Polish Thanksgiving

Today is December 1st – which means that a) I have now been in Poland over three months, making this my longest stay away from home in 22 years and b) I have now celebrated my first Thanksgiving away from home. Both of these facts are somewhat strange to me. In regard to the former, adjusting to Poland has been difficult and yet time here has passed / is passing so quickly as well. And as for the latter, excepting the lessons on the history of the holiday, last Thursday didn’t really feel like Thanksgiving.  This said, I did have a great Polish Thanksgiving celebration this weekend.


On Friday night, Joanna, Carolina, and I made much of the food for Saturday including green beans, stuffing, turkey, and dessert. I was in charge of the stuffing (I don’t think it turned out too terribly for my first time making it – it was, however, not nearly as good as mom’s).

For the other things, Carolina and I helped Joanna in the preparation. Carolina also took notes of Joanna’s recipes.

Of course, we finished off the night with a nice hot cup of Kisiel (a.k.a. my favourite drink in Poland – pronounced like Keesha, not Ke$ha).


On Saturday, we made salad and some potatoes then, at around 5 pm, we sat down to feast. We were joined by an American friend who lives in Karpacz and her daughter. It was a great day and despite missing my family and friends back home, it was good to be surrounded by new friends.


As an added note, the I survived the first snowfall in Poland – it was barley an inch though. More to come soon!
